What are Actions?

Actions are the building blocks of every workflow executed on the K3 Labs platform. They represent the number of operations performed within a workflow, such as reading data, writing to a smart contract, sending alerts, or performing transformations. Every function executed within a workflow consumes actions, making them an essential metric for managing workflow operations.

What Counts as an Action?

An action is counted every time a function in your workflow is executed. Below is a breakdown of what constitutes an action:

  1. Trigger Execution: Every time a workflow is triggered (e.g., through a schedule, smart contract event, or wallet activity), it consumes one action.

  2. Function Execution: Each individual function executed within a workflow consumes one action. Examples include:

    1. Read Function: Reading from APIs, smart contracts, wallets, or data sources.

    2. Write Function: Writing to APIs, smart contracts, or decentralized storage.

    3. Trading Function: Executing trades on platforms like Uniswap or Coinbase.

    4. Alert Function: Sending notifications via email or Telegram.

    5. Operational Function (e.g., Transform, IF): Processing or transforming data, or applying logic.

  3. Transform Functions. When using the Transform function, each computation within the function counts as a separate action. For instance: If you apply three separate calculations in a single Transform function, this will count as 3 actions.

Workflow Execution Chain. Actions are counted individually for each step of the workflow. For example: A workflow that reads data (1 action), evaluates a condition with an IF function (1 action), and sends an email notification (1 action) will consume 3 actions in total.

Ensuring Your Workflows Run Smoothly

To avoid disruptions, it’s important to ensure you have sufficient actions available for your workflows. Here’s how you can manage your actions effectively:

  1. Stay on Top of Usage: Use the Action Usage Dashboard to monitor your current action balance and usage trends. This ensures that you’re always aware of your remaining actions.

  2. Top-Up Actions When Needed: If your balance runs low, you can quickly top up additional actions through the Billing Page.

  3. Avoid Running Out of Actions: Running out of actions will pause your workflows. Make sure to check your action balance periodically and top up before you hit the limit.

Last updated