Functions Overview

The Functions Overview section is a comprehensive list of all available functions that can be used within the Workflow Builder. These functions are categorised to help users easily find and utilize the appropriate function for their needs.

Key Functions

  • Trigger functions

    • Schedule: Allows scheduling workflows.

    • Event: Smart Contract: Triggers workflows based on smart contract events.

    • Event: Wallet: Triggers workflows based on wallet events like token transfers.

  • Read Functions

    • Read API: Allows users to read data from external APIs.

    • Read Smart Contract: Enables reading data from smart contracts.

    • Read Market Data: Allows users to read generic market data, such as prices and volumes.

    • Read Wallet: Allows reading wallet data on token transfers, holdings, transactions, etc.

    • Read NFT: Using this function, users can read NFT Collection or Specific NFT data, such as floor prices, traits, volumes, account holder, etc.

    • Read Deployment: Allows reading data from a custom deployed code in the Deploy section of the platform.

    • Read Token (comming soon): Allows users to read token specific information, such as Circulating / Total market capitalisation, Total Supply, Metadata, etc.

  • Write Functions

    • Write API: Allows users to write data to external / internal APIs.

    • Write Smart Contract: Enables writing data to smart contracts.

  • Operational Functions

    • If Function: Tests conditions defined by the user and directs the workflow based on true or false outcomes.

    • Transform Function: Allows users to transform data as needed.

  • Alert Functions

    • Write Email: Allows users to customise an email notification based on the data output from the workflow.

    • Write Telegram: Allows users to create custom alerts and pass data to their Telegram.

  • Trade Functions

    • Coinbase: Automates trades on Coinbase.

    • Uniswap: Automates trades on Uniswap.

Function Parameters


K3 Workflow builder supports dynamic Input fields, allowing users to customise their functions based on the desired past data outputs. Most functions have an Input parameter, allowing to select a field to execute a function based on one the previous data output, or customise the inputs dynamically with multiple function outputs at the same time, or combining text and input parameters.

Write Functions

  • Write Smart Contract

    • Blockchain: Select the blockchain where the smart contract is deployed.

    • Manual Address: By default, K3 Labs creates a smart contract address for you. To use your own custom smart contract, press โ€œ+Manual addressโ€ and input the desired address.

  • Write API

    • API Address: Provide the URL of the API endpoint where data will be written.

    • Credentials: Add credentials if needed.

    • Method: Select appropriate method (Post, Get, Put, Delete).

    • Body: Add data to be used as input.

Read Functions

  • Read API

    • API Credentials: Enter the necessary credentials required to access the API.

    • JSON API Endpoint: Specify the endpoint URL of the JSON API from which the data will be read.

  • Read Smart Contract

    • Blockchain: Select the blockchain where the smart contract is deployed.

    • Smart Contract Address: Enter the address of the smart contract from which data will be read.

    • Contract Method: Specify the method within the smart contract that will be called to read the data.

  • Read NFT

    • Data Point: select a desired data point to read for the selected NFT / NFT Collection.

    • Blockchain: Select the blockchain where the smart contract is deployed. This is usually done via a dropdown menu.

    • Data point specific fields: Additional fields may very based on the Data point selected, such as NFT Address, Wallet Address, Collection address, etc.

  • Read Market Data

    • Data Point: select a desired data point to read for the Market Data.

    • Symbol: Add token ticker to read desired data.

  • Read Wallet

    • Data Point: select a desired data point to read.

    • Blockchain: Select the blockchain you want to read Wallet data on.

    • Data point specific fields: Additional fields may very based on the Data point selected, such as Wallet Address, Transaction Hash, Contract address, etc.

  • Read Deployment

    • Project: Select Project name you want to read data from.

    • Deployment: Specify the deployment.

    • Endpoint: Specify the endpoint.

Operational Functions

  • IF

    • Condition: Define the condition that will be evaluated. This includes:

    • Input 1: Select the first object to compare.

    • Condition: Specify the condition (e.g., equals, greater than, less than).

    • Input 2: Select or enter the second object/value to compare.

  • Transform

    • Select function: Selected desired transform operation.

    • Function specific fields: Additional fields may very based on the transform function selected.

Alert Functions

  • Write Email:

    • To: Input desired destination email.

    • Title: Add Pre-defined email title with variable data points using "+" sign.

    • Body: Add Pre-defined body text of the email with variable data points using "+" sign.

  • Write Telegram

    • Function Set Up: In order to receive data / notifications in telegram, users have to start a conversation with our K3 bot and configured it as output for each Write Telegram function.

    • Message: Add pre-defined body text of the message with variable data points using "+" sign.

Trade Functions

  • Coinbase Trade

  • Uniswap Trade

    • Requires connection of a Cubist wallet

    • Sell:

      • Select or paste and address of the token to be sold.

      • Amount: input the amount to be sold.

    • Buy:

      • Select or paste and address of the token to be purchased.

      • Amount: input the amount to be purchased.

Last updated